WIJS is the Dutch word for ‘wise’
Who is WIJS for?
WIJS is for children in Groups 3, 4, 5 of 6 who would benefit from extra help with the Dutch language.
They will be supported by senior citizens in Leidschenveen-Ypenburg who speak the Dutch language well at (near) native level.
How does it work?
You are invited to attend a group on Wednesday afternoons for an hour. The volunteers from the local area are there to help you with your reading, homework or playing games. The next series start september 25, you can register already!
For children in Group 3, WIJS is from 14:30-15:30.
For children in Groups 4 and 5, WIJS is from 15:45-16:45.
What does it cost?
The parents pay €25 for 10 sessions.
What will it achieve?
You will learn to speak better Dutch. You can also have some help with your homework such as reading, spelling and maths.

Where is it?
WIJS takes place at Inclusion4all’s centre, Vuursteen 8 in Ypenburg (in the shopping centre).
WIJS is a joint cooperation between HECHT and Inclusion4all.
WIJS is sponsored by the local government Gemeente Den Haag, VSB Fonds & Fonds1818.
Signing up
Your school can sign you up. Complete the registration form that is available at the school. We will then get in touch with you.
For more information: send an email in Dutch or English to:info@inclusion4all.com